jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2021


The song that came to my mind that triggers many memories will be “All Too Well by Taylor Swift. I remember listening to this song with my friend when we’re fourteen, we were in her house putting a video of the presentation of the Grammy’s playing that song, on an old computer. At the moment I don’t really understand the meaning of the song, but with the years I came the fully understand. So, it became my favorite song of that album, which I listened to many times. Now, most of my work in the university I do singing All Too Well with another friend, it became so much fun to do work, also to consider the song last around five minutes. In November of this year, the album will be re-recorded, releasing the original version of this song that lasts ten minutes.

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2021


 Knowing new countries has always been one of many dreams that I have, the list goes on and on, but if the opportunity of choosing one right now came to me, I would probably choose some historical and mystic place such as England. The information that I have about this country is not much, apart from the things that are shown on the series of television. That´s why I would like to travel there, to learn from the source itself. Also, they're well-known for the tea, the drink not the drama, and I simply love it. If I go there, I will go to the capital first London, see the Thames River while I am on the London Eye.