miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2021

Before I enter college, I read many times the study program of the college, for me, it was fascinating all the subjects that I didn’t have at that moment. Four years since that I believe that there are things that could be changed, many of the practical subjects could be more deepened, I have subjects that let me with the feeling that I need to know and learn more. There were subjects that I never understood how they help me in my career, the same subjects had many assignments to deliver and stole my time for subjects that I view as more important. It wouldn’t hurt if the faculty facilities had an improvement, when we could go in person to the faculty, the technology never worked right. Most of the time the rooms had damaged walls, one of the halls even had a leak from the pipe, which came from the bathroom of the second floor. It was difficult during class access to the technology belonging to the faculty, more than anything because it was a few compared with all the students that needed it. The technology for the assignments is to be requested with a lot of time of notice, if not they probably don´t let you borrow anything. I don’t know if it a change the way that the members of the faculty teach, that´s something good about the faculty they had great teachers, and most of the time they are very dynamic in the way of teaching us.

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