miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2021


I like the possibility that college gives to the students to deepen in the subject of English because not all the students had the same base of knowledge in English when they start college. The blog hand the facility to improve the writing, also with the modality online it made it easier to take more time to think about what we are going to write. I think the aspect of my English that need to improve is phonetic, that the words and phrases really sound coherent when I speak. I plan to try to talk more with my friends that know English to practice my speech. Apart for practice my speech in English, I use it practically for everything. I read a lot in English, especially Japanese comics. Also, I learn a lot of lyrics in English and love to understand them well. In synthesis, the English in my life is involved with reading.

Before I enter college, I read many times the study program of the college, for me, it was fascinating all the subjects that I didn’t have at that moment. Four years since that I believe that there are things that could be changed, many of the practical subjects could be more deepened, I have subjects that let me with the feeling that I need to know and learn more. There were subjects that I never understood how they help me in my career, the same subjects had many assignments to deliver and stole my time for subjects that I view as more important. It wouldn’t hurt if the faculty facilities had an improvement, when we could go in person to the faculty, the technology never worked right. Most of the time the rooms had damaged walls, one of the halls even had a leak from the pipe, which came from the bathroom of the second floor. It was difficult during class access to the technology belonging to the faculty, more than anything because it was a few compared with all the students that needed it. The technology for the assignments is to be requested with a lot of time of notice, if not they probably don´t let you borrow anything. I don’t know if it a change the way that the members of the faculty teach, that´s something good about the faculty they had great teachers, and most of the time they are very dynamic in the way of teaching us.

If I´m one hundred percent honest I don’t want to travel to de future, it makes me anxious, I see many movies to know what happens when a person travels to a time that doesn’t correspond. But I guess if I had to imagine a possible future to go, I want one where women are equal, and a society constructed in patriarchy doesn’t exist anymore. Also, gender dissidents or anyone doesn’t have to fight for human rights because they have them guaranteed. If I travel in time that´s the future I want to see, regrettably I think I had to travel many years in the future to see that, but hope is the last thing that fades away. I don´t have an exact time to go into the future, but I believe the best is to go to a time where I can´t find myself, I don´t want to know what the future me as to tell me, the best for me is to wait with patience so the future can be a surprise. Maybe, just for fun, I would travel to the year 3000, just because of an old song by the Jonas Brothers. For any reason I pretend to stay in the future, I want to live the time that corresponds to me, it would sadly stay in a place where my family and friends don’t exist anymore. Finally travel to the future seems very complicated I couldn’t stop thinking while I write in the movie “Back to the future”.

For me, the most important thing in a job is that I´m entertained and constantly learn things, so that´s the job I would like to have, obviously in the area of communications which is the area that I´m studying right now. I imagine myself in an environment that permits me to evolve as a person and care about its workers. I think I probably enjoy a job both outdoor and indoors, as a journalist, the job usually is in that way. I would love the possibility to travel in a job, above all to report in different countries and write about what I saw. If I stay in only one place an office would be nice to keep my stuff in order, my own space to organize my thoughts. After college is finished, I wish to take a major in something related to writing, possibly in another country, because I want to improve my writing.

Honestly, I see a lot of series, most of them with the pass of the years my mind has forgotten. But I could say that one of my favorite TV programs is Gilmore Girls, I started the series a few years ago, so I watched them for a long time. I didn’t like to see the program in a rush, so I took my time for more moments of joy. 

 The series is about a mother Lorelai Gilmore and her daughter Rory Gilmore, Lorelai has Rory when she was a teenager, escape from his house in a rich neighborhood, and go to live in Star Hollows this provincial town. The story in the series begins when Rory is now a teenager and has to go to discover the world, also showing the development in the relationship between mother-daughter.  


Other relevant characters are Emily Gilmore and Richard Gilmore the parents of Lorelai, with which the relationship is not the best, they play an important role in the series to display the contrast in the nurture of children. Also is the character of Luke, who owns a dinner in which Lorelai and Rory go to drink a lot of coffee.


My favorite episode is in the five-season the chapter seven name “You Jump, I Jump Jack”, in this chapter Rory is already in college and for an article in the newspapers of the college she hung up with a mysterious club. In the last part of the chapter, she jumps in a dress from a tall platform quoting the iconic line of Titanic. The reason I like this series so much, is for the sensation of comfort that brings me every time I re-watch, also I feel identified with the relationship between Rory and Lorelai. 

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2021

There is a lot of women that I admire that I love to meet, since writers, singers, and actress. But if a have to choose one probably been Taylor Swift, is my favorite singer, so I like the opportunity to meet with her. She had many houses in Unites Estates, but I think that most of the time she is in her apartment in London. 

She is a Sagittarius, and honestly, she seen very funny and kind, the type of person that you could share your life experiences. She has been in the music industry seen she was 2006, owns five of the nine albums that she writes and composes. What the most thing I admired about her is how she never keep quiet about the injustices against her. Also, she always reports either in the media or in is a song about misogyny in the music industry.  She has win eleven Grammys and multiples awards in the fifteen years of his career.

jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2021


The song that came to my mind that triggers many memories will be “All Too Well by Taylor Swift. I remember listening to this song with my friend when we’re fourteen, we were in her house putting a video of the presentation of the Grammy’s playing that song, on an old computer. At the moment I don’t really understand the meaning of the song, but with the years I came the fully understand. So, it became my favorite song of that album, which I listened to many times. Now, most of my work in the university I do singing All Too Well with another friend, it became so much fun to do work, also to consider the song last around five minutes. In November of this year, the album will be re-recorded, releasing the original version of this song that lasts ten minutes.

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2021


 Knowing new countries has always been one of many dreams that I have, the list goes on and on, but if the opportunity of choosing one right now came to me, I would probably choose some historical and mystic place such as England. The information that I have about this country is not much, apart from the things that are shown on the series of television. That´s why I would like to travel there, to learn from the source itself. Also, they're well-known for the tea, the drink not the drama, and I simply love it. If I go there, I will go to the capital first London, see the Thames River while I am on the London Eye.